Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Medication and my recent mixed episode

Mixed episode happens to me when I feel both high and low. But the high happens to be an agitated and angry one. Which is why it is called a mixed episode since I feel both negativity and manic high.

It was just last night I had a mixed episode incident which was triggered by lowering a very crucial medication in my cocktail. I felt the need to scream and shout and cry at the same time. At every corner, I felt I was being attacked by flaming arrows by evil ones.

Then I called my psychiatrist and he gently reminded me that I have tried reducing that particular medication before and the results were disastrous. Promptly, I went back to the medication and took some extra anti-psychotics to sleep.

This morning I feel so happy that the tightness in my brain is no longer there. I feel as free as a bird , ready to face a new day. I learned from this incident that medication has it's uses for me and I should be good to take them.

By way of application, I'd say listen to medical advice because you needn't suffer needlessly. Psychiatric medication is no different from Statins or L-dopa for they fix our brains as much as Statins fix our cholesterol level and L-dopa calms a Parkinson's patient.

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