Monday 8 October 2012

How Omega 3 Fish Oil helped my Bipolar

Before taking fish oil, I felt that problems were hard to resolve because they 'stuck' on me. I would ruminate over it and it takes a long time for me to get over it. With fish oil, my brain is less agitated and generally my skin becomes clearer too. I don't brood that much and problems seem to slip right off me. Read this BBC article to learn more about Fish oil and depression.

Fish oil contains two substances that is known to be good for patients. It has Omega 3 fatty acids - EPA and DHA. You might find DHA a familiar term if you give milk formula to young children. They add DHA because it nourishes the brain and supposedly makes them smarter. I'm not advertising on their behalf so I say 'supposedly'. I am, though, convinced by my own experience that EPA and DHA does play a big role in keeping me in the right state of mind.  WebMD has a good article about this.

Currently, I take regular 1000mg Omega3 fish oil and also soft gels of high EPA. There is a debate among experts about which acid is better for mood. I tend to follow the EPA camp more. Here's an article about research into Omega 3 acids.

Ever since I added supplements to my diet, I have been feeling a whole lot better. I know for sure that my diet doesn't give me the complete range of nutrients. So supplements help me sustain a day of work, and have some energy leftover to enjoy the night.

Besides mood, fish oil helps with heart problems, arthritis, menstrual cramps, memory and cholesterol. Just give it a google search to read more about it!

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